Reduce | Manage | Eliminate


leave behind the isolation
of chronic pain & depression

Treating pain, depression, anxiety and neuropathic disorders


Compassionate Care

Ketamine Pain Solutions is committed to clean compassionate care in helping reduce, manage or eliminate chronic pain, depression, anxiety and neuropathic disorders through the use of ketamine.

Our highly skilled team of experienced medical practitioners utilizes ketamine to treat patients suffering from these disorders. All of our treatments are safe, clean and monitored by a nurse at all times.


Why Ketamine?

Traditionally used as an FDA-approved compound for anesthesia, ketamine has, in recent years, been used to treat chronic pain, depression, anxiety and neuropathic disorders. This is because of ketamine’s ability to alleviate pain by blocking certain nervous system receptors in the brain.

Treatments with ketamine can begin working within hours of it being administered. It is not a permanent cure, but it has the potential for long-lasting relief. Patients may experience relief for several weeks or even several months.

Patients with chronic pain have experienced a decrease in pain and improved function in their daily living. Those suffering from depression have experienced a lighter mood and less anxiety within hours of treatment with ketamine. In contrast, oral medications can take weeks before they are effective.


The What


Loss of consciousness or awareness isn’t something you’ll experience. In fact, most patients have a relaxing and pleasant experience during infusion. When the infusion process begins, ketamine reaches the brain in seconds, the effects of which, you’ll feel quickly. You’ll experience relaxation while the mind remains completely engaged.

The How


Simply delivering ketamine to the brain doesn’t automatically cause an antidepressant effect. The method with which ketamine is administered is critical to its success. For maximum effectiveness, ketamine must be delivered with precision. How medication is introduced into the body is called the route of administration, or ROA. The most common, most studied, and arguably the most effective ROA for ketamine is intravenous (IV) infusion. This is because ketamine is most effective when it is delivered to the brain at the right rate. When delivered with the appropriate ROA at the right rate,  it can trigger relief for a variety of symptoms.

Ketamine doesn’t cause instant happiness; it relieves symptoms.

Once the symptoms are relieved, patients can quickly gain abilities that previously may have been difficult or impossible to achieve.

The Reason


Every patient’s relief experience is different. It’s a common assumption that relief is complete and instantaneous. But having realistic expectations are important. Relief is fast and can be life-changing, but that doesn’t mean it’s instant. At first, it can be subtle and then slowly build to gentler relief, rather than quickly overwhelming you.



About Ketamine

If you would like to learn more about Ketamine and how it may help you or a loved one, our team is happy to answer your questions. Call Ketamine Pain Solutions today.
